Arduino Projects

I really like the Arduino and Raspberry Pi Pico platforms. I’ve learned a fair bit about electronics, microprocessors and even AI.

Embedded systems are, in deed, quite different from writing software for a traditional computer.

Despite the number of boards I have, and my familiarity with writing code for Arduino and MicroPython, I have only a handful of projects that I’ve put together.

Pong – Built off a Pico and a Pimoroni Unicorn Pack, I created a simple two person Pong game. Total retro fun, in colour, too!

Christmas Ornaments

  • Arduino Version – I don’t recall which LED panel I used, but I think it was this NeoPixel Shield from AdaFruit, and an Arduino Uno. Using C++ and the AdaFruit NeoPixel Library I wrote a number of animations and messages that would be displayed. A bit bulky to hang on a tree, it’s still a lovely addition as a techy ornament
  • Raspberry Pi Pico – Using a Pimoroni Pico Display Pack, I created an ornament that cycled through 10 images with snow ‘falling” on the pictures. Users could also stop the animation and go through the pictures individually with the buttons.

You can find the code in my personal Git repository for Picopong and the Christmas ornaments.

I have one other project to complete – the Tapduino as a replacement tape drive for a Commodore 64 or Vic 20. Bring on those T64 files!

I may also look into creating a tool to display details about soil in the garden.