“After a leisurely drive around the Lido deck, we started a big party. Man those honkin’ Bimmers sure know how to party with their steins of good Bavarian bier! Us MINIs, could definitely keep up with our tasty British Stout.”
And there you have the latest Pixar Film – “Imported Cars”. Could you imagine what that would be like? LOL!
The car is in the Celtic Sea. Well, not in the actual water, but on the MV Torrens as it makes it’s way through the Celtic Sea and then through the Atlantic. Below was the placement of the ship about 3 hours ago. I have no idea what kind of updates we’ll see as it makes it’s trek across the Atlantic, I suspect we’ll get very few.
If you were to zoom out on the map at Marinetraffic.com, you don’t see a lot of updates until ships are near the Azores, and again near Newfoundland & Labrador, and Nova Scotia.
According to Wallenius & Wilhelmsen Logistics, the ship is now arriving on November 2nd. It is what it is, and these things take time.
I did notice that last night the ship had turned back to England briefly and was going at 3 knots and then all of a sudden it turned to continue it’s course across the Atlantic. That’s the little green blip just before the ship started going south.