And no we’re not talking about my sister… but this is one cool video:
And the making of:
And no we’re not talking about my sister… but this is one cool video:
And the making of:
I love this video. Not only does it talk to me from a music gear perspective (Check out my Polyatomic project) because Robyn has quite the setup in the video, the video was filmed in the UK and the song speaks volumes for me.
This is the most expensive tank of gas I have purchased.
And what were the profits of the various petrol companies, last year?
What dictatorship are we in bed with these days?
At one level I’m glad I drive a Hybrid (2009 Toyota Prius – LOVE IT!) and I have been known to get 800km in a tank, but it doesn’t seem enough. No, I’m not going to rush out and get a GM Volt – I can’t afford it for one, and I’m not willing to be a test guinea pig for that kind of new technology.
I’ve always chosen cars that sipped fuel – two Toyota Echos (2001, 2004) and the Prius. I full admit, I am cheap when it comes to buying gas – why should I line the profits of the gas companies in bed with governments of questionable reputation? I also do care, somewhat, about the environment – and I agree it can be argued that simply by having a car that I’m not being very green. I do what I can, and have had a few initiatives at home to help green my own world.
This is cool:
In honour of my blog’s tagline which was taken from Depeche Mode’s Black Celebration album:
Hi Everyone – Welcome to my new website updated for the 2010s.
I plan on being considerably more active these days blogging, etc… It looks like the import feature from my staging site did not quite work as well as I had hoped, so I will need to do a bit of cleaning up. Oh well!